Set Up for Success
Torin grew up in a home defined by abuse and drug use until the authorities intervened and he went into foster care at 16. He was adopted by a friend but in the same neighborhood, exposed to the same situations. Knowing nothing else, Torin soon faced his own struggles, bad habits, and encounters with the justice system.
Through a mix of programs and rehabs, Torin began developing different skills and habits, regaining his motivation. He also remembered all the resources he was introduced to at Just in Time as a teenager and engaged in several services. It started with getting a Chromebook to help him look for employment but led to much more.
“I’ve learned so much and made so many connections through Just in Time – it’s really amazing,” Torin shared.
One invaluable connection he made was to Shugarman’s Bath, a company that specializes in bathroom installations and remodeling. The JIT team set up an informational interview but Torin made such an impression that he was offered a real interview – which he nailed!
Now Torin is an apprentice at Shugarman’s, immersing himself and trying to learn everything he can. And he hopes that once he’s learned the ropes, he can pass his skills and knowledge along to another young person.
“Now I’m in a career field where I can possibly make six figures a year,” shared Torin. “I hope to be among the best at my workplace, afford a decent living situation, and hopefully make a family of my own and take care of them the way I wish I had been taken care of when I was younger. I really have Just in Time to thank for connecting me to this opportunity. They are continuing to help me in almost every area of my life – you name it and they’re there!”
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