Understanding toxic stress and traumatic adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is essential to creating the life you desire and deserve. Healing together in a nurturing environment, Rise to Resilience gives you a space to find the meaning, strategies, and resources to build your lasting well-being.
How Does It Work?
Rise to Resilience was created to help transition age foster youth recognize and mitigate the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress so they can live healthy, fulfilling lives. Without intervention, toxic stress can lead to a whole array of health issues and maladaptive behaviors including obesity, heart disease, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, emphysema, cancer, unintended pregnancies, suicide, and even premature death.
Rise to Resilience helps participants manage and lessen the consequences of toxic stress through workshops, resources, group sessions, individual coaching, a network of healthy connections, and more — all focused around eight key practices based on healing-centered engagement: healthy relationships, nourishment, mindfulness, holistic fitness, rest & sleep, self-exploration, community, and play.
A Rise to Resilience Retreat is also held yearly, where members of the JIT community are invited to a day-long experience that includes expert speakers, interactive wellness activities, and much more, all focused around healing and happiness.
To join Rise to Resilience, you must:
- Be a current JIT participant dedicated to transcending trauma in your life
How Do I Join?
Rise to Resilience is available year-round and open to all JIT participants!
Apply for Rise to Resilience in the JIT Application Hub here.
Active JIT participants are also welcome at our annual Rise to Resilience retreat. Please be sure to let our team know if you’re interested!
This service engages participants on a journey of self-exploration, personal development, and confidence building while cultivating meaningful relationships to peers and coaches within gender-focused cohorts for men and women.
How Does It Work?
Through My Life, My Story, youth between the ages of 18-26 are invited into gender-identifying cohorts for men and women. Within the cohort, participants will develop a partnership with a coach, gain insight from workshops, their peers, and the JIT team! Within these empowering spaces, participants are supported on their journey of self-discovery while building healthy relationships.
My Life, My Story provides workshops, hands-on-experiences, and connections to an extended community of supporters. Throughout the cohort, youth explore topics related to identity, self-care, communication, confidence, sexual health, femininity/masculinity, and more!
By providing individualized attention to personal growth, youth are empowered to take ownership of their life stories and focus on their strengths to maximize their potential.
To join My Life, My Story you must:
- Be a transition age foster youth between the ages of 18-26
- Be working, going to school, or both (or have a clear action plan to do so after the cohort is completed).
How Do I Join?
My Life, My Story is an 8-month cohort service that runs from April through November, with recruitment starting each spring. However, inquiries are always welcome!
If you would like more info contact: esmeralda@jitfosteryouth.org
Apply for My Life, My Story in the JIT Application Hub here.
We recognize Mental Wellness is an essential and basic need for all people. Often, however, our mental health and wellness is adversely impacted by life stressors, problematic relationships, traumatic events, and even our own biology. The JIT Mental Wellness Resource is committed to meet this need so that people can live the most fulfilling life possible.
If you are seeking a consistent, confidential space to reflect on your experiences, are interested in the opportunity to understand yourself more deeply or think therapy should be part of your wellness toolbox, we invite you to connect with us to learn more about the JIT Mental Wellness Resource.
How Does It Work?
As humans, each of us deserves to have the support we need to be well. JIT is committed to helping people access this support by helping them connect with wellness professionals both within the JIT community as well as with trusted community partners. Wellness therapists may consist of licensed professionals and/or doctoral students who are able to provide free or low-cost individual, couples or family sessions.
One of the JIT staff on the JIT Mental Wellness Resource, will contact you to chat about your interest in mental wellness support and share about the different resource options for your consideration. The intention of the JIT staff is to be your “buddy” in getting you connected to a mental wellness resource. The goal from this initial conversation is for the JIT staff to understand you interest/need, share resources with you and to together determine which mental wellness resource you want to get connected to. The JIT staff will follow up with you on how to connect with the resource.
Must be a JIT participant (ages 18-26) or JIT alumni (27+) who desires additional support in your healing journey
How Do I Join?
To learn more or connect to the JIT Mental Wellness Resource, you may:
- Directly contact one or all of the JIT staff member of the Mental Wellness Team:
- Irving Chavez | irving@jitfosteryouth.org | 619.657.6924
- Dr. Jill Ault | drjill@jitfosteryouth.org | 916-663-7121
- Apply for Mental Wellness in the JIT Application Hub here.